What is a Subdomain?

A subdomain is a web address that contains your domain name. f you have the domain yourdomain.pl and want to run a store, then you can create a subdomain called „store”, so your store address will be as follows: store.yourdomain.pl

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You can create any subdomain for your domain using the add subdomain form. However, with the help of domain records you can indicate what content should be displayed at the address of your subdomain (e.g. website, mail, etc.).

The subdomain is an additional section of the main domain name. You create subdomains that help you organize your websites and sub-sites associated with the main address. You can have multiple subdomains at your main domain, each of which may point to different resources. Subdomains do not have to be attached to the same hosting as the main domain.

Subdomains are most often used to create additional pages to support the home page.

For example: you have a website at www.my-company.com, then start new subdomains and websites: shop.my-company.com and blog.my-company.com. When organizing a competition, use the address competition.-my-company.com. Are you recruiting new employees? Create a site recruitment.my-company.com.

Each of the above addresses was created free of charge. You pay only for the main address, which is www.mycompany.com.

Creating subdomains will not always be beneficial. Often, when additional parties have deliberately go into the main structure of your website, you should use the directories, for example. Www.moja-firma.com/blog. Such addresses will be better if the blog is part of the main page and you additionally use the blog, its content, to position the entire page (or to obtain traffic).

How to use the subdomain?

  • Testing new websites, CMS applications. By creating a subdomain, you can immediately launch a new page / application at your friendly address. You don’t have to register and pay for new domains.
  • Use subdomains to create pages in many languages. Often, creating multiple pages (copies of the same web page) in different languages ​​is cheaper and easier than maintaining one multilingual web page.
  • Use subdomains when subsequent subpages use different CMS. If you use your own CMS to create a website, while you want to run the Blog in the CMS WordPress system, use an additional web address – a subdomain.
  • Each subdomain can target different hosting, or can direct to different directories on the FTP server. This is a useful solution when you want to divide hosting resources into multiple users.
  • Creating subdomains in the organization also gives the opportunity to create personalized business cards of employees and new, unique e-mail addresses, e.g. john@glebowsky.my-company.com

A subdomain can be an effective tool to help you organize your site effectively. If you use it correctly, it will not negatively affect SEO of the website. However, it’s best to use subdomains if you want your content to be private and not for your public sites.


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