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Artykuły w kategorii: English

What is ransomware?

What is ransomware? Where does ransomware come from? How do you recognize ransomware? Why should companies worry about ransomware? Protect yourself with anti-ransomware What is ransomware? Ransomware is one of...

What is keylogger?

Keyloggers are spyware or even entire devices that record keystrokes. Keylogger software and tools are dangerous. Most often they read login details, such as names and passwords, and then send...

What is rootkit?

Rootkits are a type of very malicious malware designed to give cybercriminals / hackers the ability to remotely control your computer. They may remain hidden on your computer. Rootkit software...

What is web hosting?

Internet hosting is your place on the Internet where you store website files, documents and e-mail. What is web hosting? Hosting means sharing server resources, its space, on the Internet...

What is a Subdomain?

A subdomain is a web address that contains your domain name. f you have the domain yourdomain.pl and want to run a store, then you can create a subdomain called...

Gmail z domeną Twojej firmy? To możliwe!

G Suite to m.in. poczta Gmail, której możesz używać z domeną swojej firmy. Zyskasz także pakiet praktycznych aplikacji Google. Pracuj zdalnie z każdego miejsca.