What is the Website Builder?

The offer of home.pl services includes domains, hosting, an office package, anti-virus software and dedicated services for creating websites. These include Hosting WordPress SSD or web hosting based on fast SSD drives for demanding developers in WordPress CMS. The offer also includes the Website Creator service that allows you to create websites quickly and easily.

Secure mail? Fast website? Always online? Check our offer: servers, domains, SSL certificates, antivirus software or Office 365. Any questions? 24h/7/365 technical support. We are talking in English.

The website creator is based on a ready CMS system, an application in which the user, using widgets (content modules) builds his website element by element.

The first time you start the website builder, you decide on the appearance of the website. The wizard will choose the sample graphic itself, and the last thing you will have to do is add content: texts, images, contact details and page title.

Wybór szablonu graficznego w kreatorze stron WWW

Website Creator allows you to quickly create an information website, as well as launch an online blog and online store at the same time. Thanks to the integration with online payments, shopping on the website will be very easy.

Unlike, for example, the popular CMS WordPress system, Website Creator is based on an even simpler mechanism. The WWW creator gives unlimited possibilities of creating a website, but its operation is based on a slightly smaller number of elements of this website. Thanks to this, the user is easier to control what he is doing and it is difficult to spoil the site – for example, spoil its transparency and simplicity of use.

Website Creator is based on the mechanism of RWD pages and templates, i.e. responsive templates. This solution guarantees that your website will always look good on any device.

You can order a ready website at home.pl

Do you want us to create a website for you? Contact us!

Order the website now. 24h/7/365 technical support. We are talking in English.

You will receive the perfect site based on our wizard. Thanks to it you will make a great first impression on visitors. Your site looks exactly the way you want it on any device

You can choose one of the ready graphic templates, visually suited to various types of activities. Do you want to change something? No problem, each template can be freely edited and you have control over every, even the smallest element! Create the page exactly what you want.

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