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Artykuły w kategorii: English

What is malware?

Malware - malicious software - this software is a big threat to your devices and the data on them. Malware is any type of program that is designed to damage...

What is Catch-all?

Catch-All is a mail server feature that allows you to collect all email messages sent to non-existent email addresses in your domain. Catch-all is referred to as the mail server...

What is an Email Alias?

The email alias is the additional address for your email account. The postal alias completes your email address. An alias is additional variants of your email address. With one e-mail...

What is Brute Force attack?

Brute Force is a way to access user data, find hidden websites (non-public, excluded from indexing) and discover the key used to encrypt data. The Brute Force attack is trial...

How to set up FTP client?

FTP means File Transfer Protocol. If you use a DFTP connection, it means that you use the method of uploading files: downloading, uploading to the server and managing files already...

Gmail z domeną Twojej firmy? To możliwe!

G Suite to m.in. poczta Gmail, której możesz używać z domeną swojej firmy. Zyskasz także pakiet praktycznych aplikacji Google. Pracuj zdalnie z każdego miejsca.