How do I change the SQL database for WordPress?

Using the wp-config.php file available on the FTP server, you can check what database your website uses. For example, WordPress database SQL. In the file you will find information about the database name and password to access the SQL database.

The SQL database name and password are needed to, for example: log in to the phpMyAdmin panel. In phpMyAdmin, you can change the contents of tables and perform import or export of a database.

Access to the wp-config.php file on the FTP server also allows you to change the access data to the database. If you want the WordPress CMS to be connected to another SQL database, indicate its name and password. WordPress database SQL contains the content of posts, pages, information about WordPress users and configuration of the website address.

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How do I change the SQL database for WordPress?

  • Log in to the Control PanelCheck how to log in to the Control Panel.
  • Go to the section: Website services, which is located on the left side of the screen.Customer Panel - Go to section "Website services"
  • Click the name of the server on which CMS WordPress is installed.
  • Optional: Click  Assigned domains > All to check which folder with the files indicates the domain (in which folder I will find the WordPress CMS files).
  • In the new window, read the folder path to CMS WordPress files, for example: /zobacz-strone
  • In the server configuration window, go to WebFTP / FTP accounts > Options > WebFTP.
  • On the FTP server, go to the directory where WordPress CMS is installed. Find the file wp-config.php and Edycja/ Edit or Podgląd/ Open it.
    FTP server view with CMS WordPress installation files.
  • In the wp-config.php file you will find information about the name of the database, the database user and the password to access the SQL database.FTP server view with CMS WordPress installation files.
  • If you have the name of the new database created on the server, enter it in the DB_NAME, DB_USER fields. In the DB_PASSWORD field, complete the password for the new SQL database.
    In the DB_HOST field enter the hostname according to which database version is currently used. For MySQL 5.7 it should be ‘localhost’ and for MySQL 8.0 ‘mysql8

Remember that this change may result in unavailability of the website. the SQL database contains most information about the website, its configuration and content (posts, pages, comments, user data). 

How to create a new MySQL database?

  1. Log in to the Control PanelCheck how to log in to the Control Panel.
  2. Go to the section: Website services, which is located on the left side of the screen.Customer Panel - Go to section "Website services"
  3. Click the name of the server.
  4. Find the section named: Databases (at the bottom of the screen displayed) and click: Create to create a new database on the selected server. Read more how to create a new SQL database. 
    How to create a database
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